WordPress add new plugins page

Websites are not once and done. They are living, breathing parts of your business. And they need looking after.

WordPress is constantly under development. New features, bug fixes and security improvements mean the software changes frequently. To make sure your WordPress website is working well, you need keep all its moving parts up to date.

Here is my 10-step checklist for managing a WordPress website.

TL;DR – download the checklist to guide you through the tasks listed below.

Once a week…

1. Login to the back end

2. Check for updates

You can see straight away if anything needs your attention. A number in a red circle next to Updates indicates something needs updating.

3. Update plugins

Go to the Plugins page. Any that need updating are highlighted. Click the “View version… details” text to review changes to the plugin. Update if you are happy.

Repeat this process for every plugin that needs updating.

4. Update themes

If there is still a red circle next to Updates in the menu, it means that there is a theme update to deal with. You can simply click on Updates or go via Appearance > Themes.

As with plugins, review the theme updates before actioning.

5. Clear comment spam

If you are using Aksimet to manage spam comments, you will see a notification on the main dashboard. Review any comments, then delete, as necessary.

6. Reply to any outstanding blog comments

If there are genuine comments on your blog, respond to them.

7. Run the Site Health Tool

The WordPress Site Health tool offers a handy gauge of the health of your website.

Select Tools > Site Health from the dashboard menu. You will see your site health status, plus a list of actions that need taking. If any critical issues occur, you should take action to deal with them. WordPress provides an explanation and information to help you resolve any problems.

8. Check security logs

If you have a security plugin installed, check for messages about potential issues. I recommend installing Defender, WordFence or Sucuri.

9. Run a malware scan

Depending on which security plugin you are using, run a scan to check for code changes or threats. Take any necessary action.

10. Run a back-up of your website

The most important job of all! This ensures you have a fresh version of your website to keep safe in the event of future problems. Think of a back-up like an insurance policy for your website. For tips on backing up your WordPress site, download my handy guide.

Before you log out, give your website the once over to make sure it is working as expected. Schedule another check for next week.

I have put together a handy checklist for you to download. Use it to guide you through the tasks listed here, plus a few bonus ones. And make sure you are giving your WordPress site the care and attention it deserves.

Or if this is all too much, why not sign-up for monthly WordPress support from Wise Genius? Have peace of mind that your website is running at its best, whilst you concentrate on what is most important to you.

Image credit: Justin Morgan on Unsplash