Assorted hand tools with a unpaired brown work boot with a hole in the toe

When I first set up Wise Genius, I was adamant that my (this) website would always be up to date, a prime example of what I could offer my clients.

You’ve heard the phrase “cobbler’s children”? Well, it applied to me and this website!

And this is true of many service businesses.

I’ve known for a while that this site needs a refresh. Not a complete facelift, more of a spruce up.

And while I’m entangled in this process, I want to share my thoughts about when and how to go about refreshing your website.

Why would you need to refresh your website, you may well ask? Here are four reasons to consider…

You’re getting high levels of traffic, yet no conversions

People are visiting your site, having a look around, then moving on without taking any action. It could be that your calls to action aren’t compelling enough or you’re not making an instant impression.

Your website is slow to load

With diminishing attention spans, people won’t wait around for something to happen before they leave your site. There are tools available to diagnose the issues behind slow loading, such as PageSpeed Insights.

Your website isn’t mobile friendly

Mobile devices account for more website traffic than ever before, and a poor user experience means that potential customers will leave your site and not return. Plus, you won’t appear in search results, as Google indexes mobile-friendly sites first.

Your content is out of date

The key places to look are your services page, client testimonials, and examples of your work / case studies. Make sure these reflect the work you are currently doing and what people are saying about it.

And a reason NOT to refresh your website

If you are bored or fed-up with your site, this is NOT a good reason to change things. Remember, it’s there to attract your ideal clients and needs to appeal to them first. If you like it too, great!

Stayed tuned to find out what to do next once you’ve decided it’s time to revitalise your website.

If anything I’ve shared has sparked an idea or nudged you to review your web presence, I would love to hear from you. You can drop me an email at or book a discovery call to find out how I can help you.

Image credit: José Ramírez on Unsplash