Do One Thing Articles

Keeping your WordPress website secure

Keeping your WordPress website secure

Want to know the easiest way to keep your WordPress website secure? Keep the core software and any plugins you use up to date. Why? Because the WordPress software is free, open source, and popular -...

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404 pages explained

404 pages explained

Have you ever checked the 404 page on your website? 40-what, I hear you say? Let me enlighten you. When you have a broken link on your website, it displays an error page, known as a 404. For all the...

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WordPress Access

WordPress Access

If you do one thing today, make it this… Check who has access to the back end of your WordPress website. It is important that you know and trust the people who can get behind the scenes of your...

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Tidy up your WordPress themes

Tidy up your WordPress themes

If you do one thing today, make it this… Delete any WordPress themes that you aren't using. Why, you ask? It'll make your website more secure; help speed it up and save you some valuable disk space....

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